Financial systems provide a bridge between the holders of capital and the users of capital, improve the accessibility and quality of market information, and ensure the integrity of payment services. However, financial systems can also be crisis-prone, subject to manipulation, and exclude significant portions of the population.
The CFLP is comprised of practitioners and scholars whose research and teaching focuses on the central role that finance plays in domestic and global economies. The CFLP coordinates the star power of a constellation of academics, practitioners and researchers from diverse disciplines by focusing on three topical areas: financial reform, financial inclusion, and global economic governance.
The Center is a reflection of the University’s “One BU” strategy, as it functions as a coordinating body for a wide range of interdisciplinary academic research projects and task force initiatives. Aware that financial systems are quite complex, yet also fragile, the CFLP offers a holistic approach in its analyses of these systems.
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